Thursday, June 4, 2009

Riley and I are having a lazy day, playing around the house today. He woke up yesterday with pink eye, so he was home for two days with me. He does not seem affected at all by it, except he wipes his eyes more often and said it's ok mom i just have some sand in my eyes but it's okay:) We have the last of our 4 year old birthday parties this weekend. We have a had a birthday party just about every weekend since the beginning of March. They have been fun , but I am ready to have a free weekend!


  1. Thanks for sharing your blog! I can't believe how big Riley is! He grew so much this year. I hope you guys are doing well and Riley gets feeling better soon!

  2. Glad to see you are back and alive. I am amazed that he wasn't too afraid of the snakes.
