Thursday, February 19, 2009

Well I am finally getting a chance to get back to blogging, but not because I finally found some extra minutes to add to my day. Riley woke up last night at about 1:30 AM throwing up and continued until about 6:30 this morning, so we are home taking it easy. He is feeling much better and is able to keep down some fluids. He is watching the second showing of land before time....the first showing was from 2-4 AM so this is a much better time for me :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This week has flown by. I can't believe it will be Friday tomorrow. Last Saturday, for some unknown reason, our electricity was out for about 6 hours. We ended up going to our neighbors house with all the kids and having a "camp out". The kids had so much fun. Riley wanted to turn the electricity out on Sunday and have another "camp out". We had a great time, but boy do you realize how much we rely on electricity when you have none. It has been absolutely beautiful here for the past week. Sunday we all, including Marley, went hiking at the US national white water center. We had a great time. They have a rock wall that Riley had a blast climbing on and then we had a little lunch and called it a day. I am looking forward to another great weekend. I think it will be a little cooler and not quite as sunny but it should be nice for the Valentines weekend. We are going to hang out at home and cook steaks( my kind of family Valentines Day). I will post the pics from the "camp out" and hiking sometime tomorrow. Off to out evening routine... bath, books, bed:)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I can't believe we are having another snow day. It is kind of crazy here. We have to make up everyday that is missed. It's not like LA where they build in a week and if you don't take more than that you don't have to make them up. Oh well 1 more day taken away from the kids summer. I remember when summer was 3 months long. Now it is only about 2, and now another snow day. Anyway, Riley and I are going out to play in it before it melts!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

We had a great time at the park yesterday! We played basketball, football, and played on the playground. It was a beautiful day. High of 60 and sunny! Then we grilled kabobs and watched the super bowl. We were pulling for the cardinals but oh well. Back to work today so pretty uneventful. Riley had a great day. I think he must be ready to be a big brother because he keeps telling everyone his mommy is having a baby(which is not true). Our neighbors just had a baby so I think he thinks we should have one too. I told him maybe one day soon, but not today:)

Sunday, February 1, 2009