Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I truly believe that the art of swaddling is the greatest discovery for moms. It is like magic!! I think anyone who says their baby does not like it is not swaddling tight enough:) I think Ella feels so cozy and safe!

Riley always wants to know if he did the same things when he was a baby. It is really fun that he is interested in what he was like when he was a baby and good for mom and dad to help remember!

We are planning to take Riley snow skiing this weekend for the first time. He is very excited, so are we. We'll see how it goes. I wonder if he will love it as much as his daddy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well it is Feb. 19th and I just noticed that I haven't updated since June of last year. Once again I am going to try to get better at this.

So a lot has happened since then.....On Dec. 13th 2009, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl to our family, Ella Standish. She is already two months old and doing wonderful! Riley is adjusting pretty well. Somedays are harder than others. I guess it is pretty difficult to have mommy's full attention for 4 and a half years and then all of a sudden have to share it. My neighbor said it best " He loves Ella, it's you he hates somedays." and that is how it seems to go.

I am home for at least the rest of this school year with Ella which is great because Jeff is super busy. It is crazy that at this time last year they had no work and we thought he would loose his job to pulling all nighters because they are so slammed with deals. In this economy I am happy with the latter!!

Riley is still loving dinosaurs and animals as much as he ever has and has taken up coloring. There are days where I think he would color all day long, which is great because a few months ago he had no interest and he is getting so much better at it everyday. He is a real daddy's boy right now. He and Jeff are big buddy's ( wearing their Saints jersey's together..GO Saints!!) His new nickname is Reggie

Ella is so beautiful and so much fun. Much more fun now that she is sleeping 4 hours at night! SHe looks just like her daddy right now so we will see how she grows and her looks change. Jeff is now finding out what its like to have a daddy's little girl or sweetheart as he calls her:)

Monday, June 8, 2009

I can't believe we only have two days of school left. I am really going to miss this group of kids, minus a few boys that are trying to drive me up the wall:) it has been a great year. I have met so many new friends at work and I am really enjoying it. It will be nice to have some time to relax and get my house and life back in order with The standish house being so busy lately. My two stresses at the moment are trying to find a costume to be daphne from scooby doo and one of the jonas brothers for a retro review on Wednesday. I truly do not know how I get myself into these things! It will be a lot of fun once it all comes together. I think Jeff will be able to be home this weekend which will be nice. We can cheer LSU on in the college world series. GEAUX TIGERS!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Riley and I are having a lazy day, playing around the house today. He woke up yesterday with pink eye, so he was home for two days with me. He does not seem affected at all by it, except he wipes his eyes more often and said it's ok mom i just have some sand in my eyes but it's okay:) We have the last of our 4 year old birthday parties this weekend. We have a had a birthday party just about every weekend since the beginning of March. They have been fun , but I am ready to have a free weekend!